Who We Are
"I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill towards others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity's potential."
Our three tenets are the core of who we are - the three things that define us most succinctly: Service, Leadership, and Fellowship
Service is the heart of CKI. Collectively, CKI members perform more than 1 million hours of service on their campuses and in their communities every year. Without service, CKI would be just another campus activity. Through service, college students are making the world a better place.
One thing that sets CKI apart is that students lead the organization at all levels.
The potential of CKI lies in its ability to positively influence members of society who are facing ultimate personal decisions and those who will one day create the vision of mankind for generations to come. Leadership opportunities afford CKI members the resources and tools needed to become active citizens.
There are opportunities for leadership at the club, district, and international level!
CKI members experience fellowship and develop lifelong relationships with fellow collegians, advisors, Kiwanians, and citizens in their communities every single day. Whether a member is mentoring a child, networking with a businessman, or bowling with members, he or she is developing social skills, meeting new people, and strengthening relationships.
There are different levels of Circle K International outside of the club. CKI operates at the club, district, and international level!
The Club Level
The club is the first and most important level of CKI. Without the clubs, there would be no need for the district and International levels. The club level is where the mission of CKI is realized. Clubs are the heart of CKI’s service. The other levels exist to provide consultation and develop program materials that will assist and support the club in attaining their service and leadership development objectives.
The District Level
CKI is divided into districts that are either a state, a combination of states, provinces, and/or countries. They are regionally identified. The main function of the district is to develop and maintain clubs within the specified region. The chief spokesperson and leader of the district is the governor. Other district officers include the secretary, treasurer, or secretary/treasurer, bulletin editor, and lieutenant governors.
The districts are further broken down into divisions that are managed by lieutenant governors (we have 4 divisions). The lieutenant governor is responsible for servicing the needs of the clubs in his/her division by visiting, counseling, assisting, getting clubs involved in district and division projects, and evaluating club progress. The lieutenant governor is the club’s primary liaison to the district. They can share ideas and recommend strategies for your club management questions.
The district offers a number of leadership development and social opportunities. The district also involves itself in a district-wide project, in which each club is encouraged to participate. The district will conduct divisional rallies for the clubs in each division each semester; it will sponsor a leadership and service training conference in the fall and a district convention in the spring. At the district convention, as many club members as can attend should represent each club. The club is allowed two voting delegates to elect new district leadership, share input, vote on district bylaw amendments, and determine the district’s future.
The International Level
The final level of Circle K is the International level. The International Board of Trustees is composed of the President, the Vice-President, and eight trustees. These students administer the organization at the International level which is split into 8 different randomly assigned regions. Each region is overseen by a trustee. They identify the critical issues facing the organization and evaluate strategies to help the organization support its mission. Our 2021-2022 "Sister Districts" are New York, California-Nevada-Hawaii, and Michigan. The International Board sets the policies for CKI, develops service initiative programs, and advises and educates the districts.
The International Board provides consultation to each district via the governor to assist him/her in managing the organization at the district level. The International trustee serves as a liaison between the district and International levels. Annually, the council of governors meets with the International Board of Trustees to discuss the state of the organization.
There is an annual International Convention. At the International Convention, as many members as can attend should in order to represent each club. The club is allowed two voting delegates to elect new International leadership, share input, vote on amendments to the International Bylaws, and determine the future of CKI.
The Kiwanis International Office in Indianapolis also maintains a team of employees designated to work solely for Kiwanis service leadership programs. It develops service program materials, processes dues and membership information, creates leadership development literature, manages the International budget, and forwards mailings to clubs, faculty advisors, and Kiwanis clubs, just to name a few tasks.
Though the structure of CKI is complex, it is designed to ensure that members receive adequate support for their organizational activities. Furthermore, the organizational structure has been developed so all levels are interrelated and interdependent. Although autonomy in operation and decision-making is maintained at each level, all three levels of CKI must interact to realize the Objects and Vision of the organization.
What does the Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI Do?
Article 10, Section 3 of the Circle K International Bylaws defines the responsibility of the district as such:
To promote the Objects of CKI;
To coordinate the projects of member CKI clubs;
To strengthen and extend CKI in the districts;
To increase membership and cooperative efforts of the clubs in the district to provide necessary resources, services, and information to the clubs;
To promote greater awareness of CKI among the district Kiwanis family counterparts; and
To promote the participation of clubs within the general objectives, programs and policies of the district and of Circle K International to accept and promote the objectives of CKI
In summary, the Texas-Oklahoma District performs three essential functions:
Democratic representation of the member clubs in decision-making process at the district and international level
Organizing district events, including Weekend Officer Workshop, Fall Retreat, and District Convention
Leadership development for the district board of officers as they set goals and priorities for the district, mentor existing clubs, and build new clubs
Developing college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.
To be the leading global community-service organization on college and university campuses that enriches the world one member, one child and one community at a time.
Live to Serve, Love to Serve.
The objects of this organization shall be:
To emphasize the advantages of the democratic way of life;
To provide the opportunity for leadership training in service;
To serve on the campus and in the community;
To cooperate with the administrative officers of the educational institutions of which the clubs are a part;
To encourage participation in group activities;
To promote good fellowship and high scholarship;
To develop aggressive citizenship and the spirit of service for improvement of all human relationships;
To afford useful training in the social graces and personality development; and
To encourage and promote the following ideals:
To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life;
To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships;
To promote the adoption and the application of high social, business and professional standards;
To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship;
To provide through Circle K clubs a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build better communities; and
To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism, which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and goodwill.